Friday, January 27, 2006

Sexual and Women's Health Issues - By Stephen Todd

Women’s health is not only monitored and maintained by the foods that she eats, or the exercise she completes throughout the week, but also by the status of her sexual health.

Women’s sexual health is quite important because there are so many complications that can occur within a women’s body that could result in life-threatening consequences.

What makes some of these sexual health issues differ from a man is not only the fact that two different genitals are involved, but also the fact that women give birth, thus increasing the complications that could arise and affect a woman’s health.

Vaginal Bleeding

One of the things that affect both the sexual and overall women’s health is the presence of vaginal bleeding after sex, also referred to as post-coital bleeding. If a woman is not on her period at the time, this could be a warning sign of something that needs the attention of a doctor.
Many possible culprits could cause such an act to occur. Understanding sexual and women’s health is important because some causes of vaginal bleeding are common and can be easily treated with no future affects to women’s sexual health, while other causes can turn into life-altering complications.

Cervical dysplasia can cause Vaginal bleeding, which means that there is the presence of precancerous cells within the lining of the cervix that could affect women’s health. The risk of developing these cells is increased when a women compromises her sexual health by having sex before the age of 18; having sex with multiple partners; having a child before they turn 16 or have had a STD in the past. Cryosurgery can treat this condition, as well as other procedures before the cells turn into cervical cancer.

Cervical Polyps

Another women’s health issue deals with cervical polyps, which are growths that extend, pass the cervix or cervical canal. These fragile, red, or purple pests can be easily removed without pain.

Bacterial Infections

Two well-known bacterial infections are transmitted during sex or other contact with semen, vaginal secretions or blood. They are called chlamydia and gonorrhea.

Gonorrhea offers several treatments that can be prescribed by a doctor.

Vaginitis, also called cervicitis, is the inflammation or swelling of the cervix or vagina, which is caused by an infection. Depending on what caused the vaginitis, a treatment is available.

Trichomoniasis, a sexually transmitted disease caused by a protozoan, can compromise a women’s sexual health, as well as the health of their newborn. It is possible for a mother to pass this disease onto her newborn during a vaginal birth.

One of the most common infections to affect women’s sexual health is the vaginal yeast infection, which is an overgrowth of harmless fungi that found in the vagina. The result is an odorless, cheese-like discharge accompanied by itching and burning. Three out of four women will have at least one yeast infection throughout their lifetime.

When a woman wishes to prevent this sort of infection from affecting her sexual health, a few preventive measures are available - women’s sexual health tips concerning a yeast infection include:

· Wear white cotton panties
· Use only water-based lubricants for the vagina
· Always wipe from front to back after a bowel movement
· Eat one cup of yogurt per day when on antibiotics
· Avoid bath products containing perfume in the vaginal area
· Do not douche because it creates an attractive breeding ground for yeast to flourish.

Other sexual and women’s health concerns include endometritis, uterine polyps, fibroid tumors, as well as adenomysis, which can affect the uterus and ovaries. Never ignore vaginal bleeding.

Calling a doctor immediately is the best way to solve the sexual and women’s health issues.

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