Sunday, June 25, 2006

Readers: I Invite Your Comments on This One!

"Hi, like your site. I have a question. You say you read the bible and yet you promote ponography and a gay lifestyle with your ads. How do you figure this?"

Philip Huku


Good question. Yes, I have read the Bible. I am not a 'perfect person' and I try not to judge anyone. No one has to answer to ME for the decisions they make in their lives. 'You reap what you soe,' right? All I try to do is provide a website on sexual education to help those who have problems in that area. I am not trying to push my moral beliefs on any of my readers. God has given all of us the freedom of choice, and only HE is our judge.

I do not push pornography at all. I do not have any ads to Rated XXX sites. The products I promote are mainly for things that can help those who have sexual problems such as erectile disfunction or other problems. I do have some ads for online dating, which I see nothing wrong with.

I have gotten tons of emails from my readers thanking me for posting helpful articles and for maintaining my blog. It feels great to know that I am helping people educate themselves in an area that some may feel is embarrassing or private.

I invite my readers to respond to your comment. Let's open this up for discussion, shall we?

Anna A.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for your openness, love to you and good luck


1:15 AM  

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